Duration 20:59

How to process work permit from Tourist Visa in Thailand (COVID Edition) I Leila Pacheco

5 069 watched
Published 16 Jun 2021

Sawadeeka from Thailand! You clicked this video because you are interested to know the step by step process to convert your Tourist Visa to Work Permit? Then you've found the perfect video for you! For everyone who is aspiring to teach in the beautiful country of Thailand here is a guide! I talked about the papers you need to prepare and the step by step guide in changing your visa in the time of pandemic and everything you need to know in Processing Work Permit in Thailand. If you like this kinds of content, give it a like, subscribe and comment down below it would help me in growing this channel! Love, Leilaxx Let's be friends! Facebook: Leila Pannig Snapchat: @deityleilalala Instagram: @leilapacheco


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