Duration 12:57

مخلل اللفت بالطريقة الصحيحة لون وقرشة تدوم لاخر حبة Pickled turnip Canada

Published 23 Jan 2021

فيديو مخلل لفت بالطريقة الصحيحة و على اصوله المكونات لفت شمندر ملح صخري او بحري خل ماء اذا اعجبك الفيديو ادعم القناة بلايك واشترك وفعل الجرس ليصلك الجديد من الوصفات لمتابعتي على الانستغرام aya_cooking3 مخلل لفت سوري, مخلل لفت احمر, مخلل لفت وجزر, مخلل لفت ابيض, مخلل لفت وشمندر, مخلل لفت وكرنب, مخلل لفت وبنجر, مخلل لفت مقرمش, مخلل لفت على الطريقة السورية, مخلل لفت طريقة عمل, مخلل لفت بالبنجر how to make best pickled turnip the ingredients Turnip beet Rock or sea salt vinegar water Notes *Cut the turnip into pieces in the shape of potato sticks if you want to eat it quickly after 15 days * Cut the turnip in half or thick pieces if you want to store it for a long time six months or more, and when you need it, cut it as you like *After mixing the salt with turnip we leave them for 3 hours *after that get rid of the water that was with the turnip *then we prepare the salty water mixture *for each cup of water 250 ml add 1 tbsp Rock salt *I have here 6 glasses of water so I will add 6 tbsp of Rock salt and 2 tbsp white vinegar *no need to add sugar Because beetroot contains sugar *then mix them well *in a jar place the turnip with some of beetroot fingers to give the turnip pink color *put salty water over them *the turnip should be submerged well in water *leave the jar open for half an hour to To get rid of air bubbles *after that close the lids tightly and And *turn the jars for half an hour to press and close well *then Return the jar to the normal position *store them in the kitchen cupboard *leave them for 15 days untile they are ready to eat *but after conquest should put in the fridge * For more details, watch the video for the end If you liked the video, subscribe to the channel and do 🔔 to receive new recipes thank you for waching❤️❤️ #مخلل_لفت#pickled_turnip_recipe


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